We’d like to introduce our clients (who’ve completed their HBDI® as part of TIA’s training) to the new free App for iOS and Android that you can download from your mobile App Store.

It provides comprehensive, interactive access to your personal HBDI® results, along with new ways of exploring and understanding the powerful insights provided by HBDI®.  Features include tools for profiling your customers by identifying clues about their thinking preferences, which generates a profile and tips to improve your interactions with them.

You’ll need to contact us for your confidential username and password – click here to send us an email:  Request your HBDI® App details

 understand Understand your HBDI® profile.Learn more about your thinking preferences and clusters, as well as your thinking at work, at home, and under stress.  understand2
 apply Apply the insights.Learn more about the Whole Brain Model®. Create guesstimated profiles for your friends, family, colleagues and clients. Practice using your Whole Brain® with in-app tips and tricks.  apply2
 share Share your thinking.Instantly post your HBDI® profile on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, or share it via e-mail.  share2